The Top 50 Most Influential PPC Experts of 2024

2.5 years after PPC Hero's last list, we're happy to relaunch and expand the list of most influential PPC Experts!

Please be sure to also check out our interactive alphabetical Top 100 table, for even more experts worth following, including the Top 50 below. The top 100 table includes links to their social media profiles, podcasts, YouTube channels, books, newsletters, and courses.

Below the Top 50 infographic, you'll find a deep-dive into our ranking methodology and a list of industry reporters and ad platform employees we believe you should follow (as they aren't eligible for the Top 50).

Ranking methodology

We want to be as transparent as we can be in how we got to the ranking above, so below you'll find a table with details for each ranking factor and their weight. The idea is that if you would use the same methodology, you should get the same ranking. Of course, you could still disagree with our ranking factors or weights, but we believe it's the most balanced approach to generate a list of influential PPC experts.

It probably goes without saying that we only counted content that was in English and (largely) about PPC.

We also want to highlight that, just like with crossing the finish line in a marathon (or any other race), the 10th position isn't twice is influential as the 20th position, just like a runner finishing in 10th position wasn't twice as fast as #20.

The average relative difference in the total score between two consecutive positions after the 6th position was 1%. So the differences are very small after the Top 6, who scored significantly higher than everyone else. So actually, someone in 10th position is 10% more influential than someone in the 20th position and 40% more influential than #50.

Ranking factor
How did we measure it?
How was it scored/normalized?
Ranking factor
How did we measure it?
How did we measure it?
Valid votes
Counting all the votes from the 1,135 valid survey entries (up to 5 votes per person).

200+ entries & their votes were dismissed due to obvious “friends & family” voting behavior.
Votes were normalized using log transformation. The person with the most votes (223) got 100%. The average number of votes per expert was 32, which generated a 65% score. Two votes (the minimum for eligibility in the Top 50) generated a 20% score.

97 experts profited from this ranking factor.
LinkedIn followers
Made a snapshot of the follower count in December 2023.
Followers were normalized using log transformation. The person with the most followers (~70K) got 100%. The average number of followers was 11K, which generated a 43% score.

97 experts profited from this ranking factor.
LinkedIn engagement
We used PhantomBuster’s LinkedIn activity extractor to fetch all the 2022 & 2023 likes, comments, and reposts on original posts from experts with at least two votes.
Summed all the likes, comments, and reposts/reshares and normalized this total using log transformation. The person with the highest total engagement (136K) got 100%. The average was 10.7K which generated a 79% score.

97 experts profited from this ranking factor.
X (Twitter) followers
Made a snapshot of the follower count in December 2023 of all experts with at least two votes, a Twitter account, and at least one original tweet (not a repost/retweet) in 2022 or 2023. 
Followers were normalized using log transformation. The person with the most followers (~31K) got 100%. The average number of followers was 5K, which generated a 73% score

80 experts profited from this ranking factor.
X (Twitter) engagement
We used PhantomBuster’s Tweet extractor to fetch all the 2022 & 2023 comments, retweets, likes, and views on original tweets from experts with at least two votes.

Summed all the comments, retweets, likes, and views and normalized this using log transformation. The person with the highest total engagement (322K) got 100%. The average was 16K which generated a 61% score. The lowest normalized score was 25%.

80 experts profited from this ranking factor.
If the expert (co)hosted a podcast that released new episodes during Q4 2023, we summed the number of ratings on Apple and Spotify for their podcast.

If the podcast contained (mostly) the same content as the expert's YouTube channel, we only counted one platform (the one where they scored the highest).
The total number of ratings was normalized using log transformation. The podcast with the most ratings (394) received 100%, and the podcast with the fewest ratings (8) received 15%.

8 experts profited from this ranking factor.
If the expert (co)hosted a YouTube channel, we made a snapshot of the number of subscribers in December 2023.

If two experts with at least two votes shared the same YouTube channel, we assigned 50% of the channel subscribers to each of them.
The number of YouTube channel subscribers was normalized using log transformation. The channel with the most subscribers per person (21.3K) received 100%, and the channel with the fewest subscribers (30) received 34%.

22 experts profited from this ranking factor.
Checked if the experts had an active newsletter, on LinkedIn or through a newsletter sign-up form on their website.

Having a newsletter generated the full 2.5% score unless the newsletter was shared by two experts, in which case the score was 1.25% for each.

16 experts profited from this ranking factor.
Checked if the experts published a relevant book.

If the book was a recent one (published in 2021 or later) and the expert was the only author, the score was 100%. If the book was older or the expert was a co-author, they got a 50% score.

8 experts profited from this ranking factor.
Speaking engagements
We counted all the experts’ speaking engagements (both virtual and live) during 2022 and 2023 at well-known (search) marketing conferences globally.
Each speaking engagement in this 2-year period generated 25%. So experts with four or more engagements scored 100%.

48 experts profited from this ranking factor.
Blog posts on Search Engine Land and Search Engine Journal
We counted all the experts’ blog posts on SEL and SEJ during 2022 and 2023.
We used a similar linear approach as with speaking engagements, with scores between 25% and 100% depending on the number of posts on these websites.

15 experts profited from this ranking factor.
Industry reporters and ad platform employees to follow

The people below weren't eligible for our Top 50 (or Top 100), as they have an "unfair advantage" by working for publications with a large reach or for one of the ad platforms. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't follow them or that they aren't influential. Quite the contrary!
We highly appreciate their work in keeping us up-to-date and being reliable sources of information.